Comment faire cuire du bacon au four

Comment faire cuire du bacon au four

Vous pouvez savourer l’assaisonnement pour taco dans des tacos au bœuf, des poivrons farcis, une soupe aux tacos et bien d’autres recettes délicieuses

If you think bacon belongs strictly in a frying pan, think again. When you learn how to cook bacon in the oven, it opens up a whole world of possibilities for this ever-popular, crispy, meaty treat. It’s an easy and consistent way to make bacon recipes – with minimal mess! 
Let’s discover how to cook bacon in the oven for delicious meals the whole family will love. 

Cooking Bacon In The Oven

1. Preheat your oven to 400 F.  
2. Get a large baking sheet and line it with foil. 
3. Put the bacon on the sheet and stick it in the oven. 
4. Cook the bacon in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until it’s crispy and golden-brown.  
It’s that simple. 
Cooking bacon in the oven ensures it’s evenly cooked. And if you need to cook a lot of bacon, this is the answer to your prayers. No grease spatters on your stove top means an easy clean-up as well! 
Some folks prefer to preheat their ovens to 375 F or start with a cold oven. You can also place an oven-safe rack on top of the foil and put the bacon strips on it, enabling the fat to drip off the bacon. 

How To Cook Bacon In The Microwave

Short on time and seeking an alternative to cooking bacon in the oven? Just line a microwave-safe plate with 2 or 3 paper towels and lay down the bacon strips. Cover them with another paper towel. Then microwave on high for about 4 to 6 minutes. 


Bacon Recipes You’ve Got to Try

From Bacon-Wrapped Roasted Asparagus and Bacon-Wrapped Haddock to Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf and Cheesy Bacon Mini Frittatas, these are the recipes to cure that craving for bacon! Now is the time to dig into these mouthwatering Club House recipes and put the oven-cooked bacon tips to the test.  


1. Bacon-Wrapped Roasted Asparagus

Bacon-wrapped asparagus always makes a wonderful starter or side dish. A sprinkle of Himalayan Pink Salt with Black Pepper and Garlic gives it a distinctive flavour profile. 


2. Bacon-Wrapped Haddock

If you love tender, flaky white fish, wrapping it up in bacon makes it taste even better! The addition of Smouldering Smoked Applewood Seasoning – with ingredients ranging from molasses to red pepper – takes this bacon recipe to new heights. 



3. Bacon Cheeseburger Meat Loaf

Topped with melted cheddar cheese, this hearty meat loaf recipe is so satisfying after a long day at work or school. Featuring Club House staples like Ground Mustard, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, and Ground Black Pepper, plus a cup of French’s Tomato Ketchup, it’s a tasty way to mix up the dinner menu. It’s also a great change of pace if you're already a fan of bacon-wrapped meat loaf.  



4. Cheesy Bacon Mini Frittatas

For a standout brunch dish or snack, these mini frittatas with chopped zucchini and onions taste heavenly with oven-cooked crumbled bacon. Craving a vegetarian-friendly version of this bacon recipe? You can swap in our Simulated Bacon Bits, which are meat-free!



5. Honey Pecan Bacon and Tomato Sandwich

Crushed pecans and soft goat cheese – combined with our natural Billy Bee Liquid Honey – make these bacon sandwiches a feast for the mouth and the eyes. If anyone asks, “Why should I learn how to cook bacon in the oven?”,  just tell them to take one bite! 

Try These Other Great Bacon Recipes


After learning about cooking bacon in the oven, are you feeling hungry for more crispy, meaty goodness? Check out these other bacon recipes:


Extra Ways to Enjoy Bacon Flavour

These fine Club House products are calling your name: 

More Cooking Tips With Bacon



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